Capture Tokyo: Hasedera Temple


Hasedera Temple in Kamakura, Kanagawa

It’s always a treat to take some time away from the hustle and bustle in Tokyo. Today I took the opportunity to visit Hasedera Temple in Kamakura. Hasedera is one of the many temples in Japan dedicated to the Buddhist goddess of mercy, Kannon. The temple is also home to thousands of little Jizo statues (which you can see in the upper-left hand corner of the picture). Jizo is the Buddhist deity who protects travelers, women, and children. The Jizo statues in Hasedera were placed there to help safely guide the souls of stillborn and aborted children to the afterlife. Some of the statues are also draped in small clothes such as hats and cloaks by parents whom have lost their children. Hasedera temple is a wonderful place filled with breathtaking scenery and a rich cultural history. It was quite harrowing learning the back story of the little Jizo, but I did feel a sense of comfort knowing their true purpose☀︎.